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Who Is Roemheld?

A family run group with headquarters in Laubach, Germany. Roemheld has over 80 years of experience in hydraulic power workholding. Now operating in over 51 countries and with a portfolio of over 25,000 products and generating an annual turnover of 90 million euros, Roemheld has earned a strong reputation for precision engineering and customer-focused solutions.

Roemheld hydraulic power workholding products are market leading for metal-cutting production engineering solutions. Specialising in clamping elements and systems for production engineering, Roemheld take pride in delivering flexible and cost-effective workholding components and solutions. Designed to increase work throughput while also reducing handling time, raw material required per billet and overall cycle times to reduce manufacturing costs our components and solutions will improve product quality, process precision, and repeatability.

Roemheld products and solutions are used across a wide range of industries; automotive, aerospace, medical, machine tools, special purpose machines, plastics, rubber, food and packaging, white goods, and general engineering. As well as power workholding Roemheld offer their extended QDC, Quick Die Change portfolio, HILMA 5-axis vices, Stark Zero Point clamping systems, M-TECS magnetic clamping solutions, Modulog assembly systems, Kostyrka Clamping Sleeves, and handling equipment. All under the Roemheld brand

HYQUIP & Roemheld

Roemheld take an active role in training designed to support the next generation of production and design engineers. With HYQUIP as your authorised Sales Partner and Distributor, you have unfaltering expert guidance from a partner that has in-depth technical understanding and experience at both a component level and integrated solutions and associated services. All this with the support of Roemheld, a global leader and manufacturer in this production automaton and workholding niche.


The ISO 9001 registered Roemheld Group feels obliged to offer a continuous process of improvements, reflected within its products. HYQUIP's ISO 9001 certification also guarantees the compliance with standard guidelines.


Roemheld is certified according to EN ISO 14001, meaning like HYQUIP, they believe protecting the environment is important. Resources such as water, air, energy and raw materials are use as carefully as possible to ensure emissions and waste are kept to a minimum. 

Die Clamping and Changing Systems from ROEMHELD, everything for a quick, easy and safe die change

Roemheld Magnetic Clamping Systems

  • Dies and workpieces are clamped within 1 or 2 seconds
  • Reduction of the changing times and therefore costs
  • No waste of time for heating or cooling
  • Standardisation of the moulds and dies is not required
  • Increased productivity and machine times
  • No further mechanical clamping means required
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Showing 1 to 12 of 344 items